Valentine's FIt Butters Red Velvet Cheesecake Cookies

Valentine's FIt Butters Red Velvet Cheesecake Cookies

I am a huge fan of holidays. They are so festive and fun. I have always been one to go all out for every holiday, including birthdays! Valentines Day, made up or not, is truly one of my favorites given all the love and well the colors alone are just so fun and cute.

But with that, most holidays include lots of SUGAR. Lots of sugary treats and cookies. Well we have the perfect, healthy recipe using our limited edition FIt Butters flavor, Red Velvet Cheesecake. It is often our Valentines Day flavor for a reason! Red Velvet just seems to hit perfect for this loving, heart filled holiday. 

Save this easy, delicious cookie recipe to share with your friends and family instead of adding to the sugar filled treats many indulge in! 

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