You know what I miss most about being a kid? The foods. Kid food is just better. Having a daughter around our house makes it REALLY tough to refrain from diving head first into a jar of animal crackers or eating a whole box of Annie's Mac & Cheese (don't judge me!) But seriously, no cares, no worries and best part...NO MACROS!
We known that just isn't a reality being an adult and someone who cares about a healthy diet and lifestyle. But who says we still cannot enjoy the foods of our youth?! I will be damned if I cannot have my cake and eat it too!
Puppy Chow. Yes that Rice Chex yum yum covered in chocolate, peanut butter and powdered sugar. You can taste it, can't you? Wait...did I just say PEANUT BUTTER?! Hey, I know someone who makes that!
What if we created a healthier version of Puppy Chow featuring our FIt Butters? Hells to the yes!
We infused our Protein Puppy Chow recipe with our Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup cashew almond butter. On top of that, we replaced the powdered sugar with actual whey protein isolate (Core Nutritionals CORE ISO Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup). How awesome is this? Well, if you're wondering, the taste is AWESOME as well!